how far along...

God its been quite while..
I just remembered a whole load of trash..
Well to sum it up...


and a bigger bum..
lazier, more anti-social, stupider, fatter...? i doubt so..surprisingly i didnt get fatter wtf
ciggs, alcohol, the once in a life time bong ( Note* ONCE IN A LIFETIME!)..
ive fucked quite a few years away...
my studies are getting shittier..
everytime i see my sister studying..
Its like " Fuck...she's already working and she's still studying so freaking hard.."

Great..and now my parents are spending heaps just for me to study.
Its not really any fun being here...
Ive counted roughly that they spend 500 a day just for me to sit my dumb ass in that college for me to get smart..
and that's not even including my allowance..
yet i still can afford to waste some on fags..

I feel so damn guilty rite now for skipping class to go play pool in the city...
which was meant to last a month about getting ur self-esteem getting trampled on...
I feel like shit and the persistent headache is just doing miracles for me...
Simply fantastic how i regret the last 4 years of my life...

Besides that...i haven't been eating much..cant really be bothered to eat..
I still dont understand how i still get so much energy to be able to go jogging this afternoon..
Ermm...Tomorrow is a holiday..Australia Day
All the more reason for me to screw up my routine sleeping time..

*sigh* this is some serious demoralizing shit right here..
Here's a list with all the stuff im supposed to accomplish while im stuck here
-get good grades (this is a bloody must!)
-stop wasting money
-not skip class
-stop smoking
-swear less
-buff up
-score with a hot chick *optional*

I guess that's all for now...don't wanna start goin all schitzo and fuck up my life even more...
btw...memories are such fucking problematic bitches

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