because everyone regrets the choices they've made sometimes..

Let me just tell everybody something..
Econs and Maths?
I'd do HoI, Lit and psychology essays rather than sit for a maths and econs exam..
im in real deeeeeep shit....i cant believe everytime i sit down to study econs..
halfway through..i'd flip open my psychology lecture notes and friggin eat that shit up..
well its prob cuz its easier to study cuz it just involves memorizing pages and pages of useless information...

Oh and did i mention i love writing essays?
Well i do! when there's a choice between exams and essays..
Anyhows..After this gonna blow my already dwindling savings on games and erm..
not like i have to pay to get in anyway..=D
finally after months of staying at home alone on friday and saturday nights..
i can get some hap
but come to think of gonna feel miserable whn my results come out anyways..
my mom's prob gonna call and nag me bout what im doin here..
the dad..uh..dunno how he's gonna react la..but its gonna be bad..=(


i miss msia la...actually..i miss eating assam laksa laa..
u cant friggin find proper assam laksa in melb...
they dont even have maggi mee in assam laksa flavour!!
and they've got crap like frozen durian..

speaking bout msia...
its prob like melb...but with lousy roads,reckless drivers,loud cina ppl,ah bengs and ah lians,lousy gangsters,great food...u get my drift..
haha just talking bout cina ppl reminds me of my the heart of lala-land
in case u dont know..ive come to name the area around sg. wang and time square..lala land~
quite fitting yeh?
and i can just picture karaoke parlours filled with ppl shouting..yes shouting out songs in chinese and canto..
neo-print sticker machines filled with ppl trying to take some ridiculous pictures with cherries and hearts..
which in my opinion should be use to cover up the retarded faces they make while posing..
and u get all the shady ahbeng gangsters loitering in back alleys that smell of piss and shit..
oh and frm what ive heard nowadays u get people shuffling in shopping malls and stuff instead of studying simple subjects like english..
well even thought english isnt Malaysia's main i cant expect much but..
this is not a question of setting the standards of expectations.
Im not referring to the spelling errors or the structure of the english they talk in, because in all honesty; even I'm not always 100% perfect in it.
Im referring to the pathetic way one could mutilate the English language to the point a normal person's brain cells would attempt suicide just trying to understand what he was trying to state out.
Okay, an example to prove my point!

You know how you see some ppl write testimonials on Friendster?
and they try oh so hard to write "take care" but end up writing "take k"??
i wonder whether they were actually paying attention in class while their pityful english teacher taught them that "Care" is spelt C-A-R-E!
And its a mystery to me that how much energy could it take to type out and additional A-R-E and replace the K with a C..
What's more fascinating is that that its usually a guy who does it in a testi to some girl..
hmm makes u wonder what his true intentions are when they ask a girl to induce themselves with some anesthetic drug instead of simply asking them to take care..

Oh and i was laughing my friggin head of whn i saw this..
I was playing DotA and some dude was asking another dude to go where he was..
the converstation went something like this..

Random dude#1 : faster cum here! we gonna push!!

Random dude#2 : u cum here la..why shuld i cum 4 u?

Dude#1 : just cum la..i knw wht 2 do!

Dude#2 : cumming fast fast d!!

That just sounds so pornographic doesnt it? and what they really wanted to say was come..
and not ask the poor dude to blow his load.. I was laughing so hard I actually feel bad for them..
making a fool of themselves just because they didnt wanna study english.. off to see whether i can get a guy to 'cum'....

and play dota with me...obviously =P

look! look! someone is reading my blog! what a loser!

Dont let the title scare u away la...
You know ur not a loser rite?
I *may* know ur not a loser..
cuz ur plain lifeless if u keep checking in on people's blog...
anyways..ive got a lousy lecture on sat morning...prob gonna drag my sorry ass outta bed in the dark..
and by dark i mean 7am la...and after that im prob gonna sleep at the lecture...
studying for the exams..has a euphemistic way la... expected..broke..
prob shouldnt have gotten a haircut today.. more friggin unmanageable hair to trouble my mornings..
urm..better get studying...
cuz for maths n gonna screw it up so badly my tutor would prob ask me to drop the subject lol?
ciao mo'fuckas???

*indian accent* THANK YOU! come again!

Come to think bout it...ive been here for half a year already..
ive watched the months walk by since jan..
and..all the things ive left behind back in kl..
some im glad to have settled and some im want to tend to as soon as i get back..
my friends..the guys who i spent most of dec with dah gei sessions and outings.
the girls..uhh..yeh i guess they were good company..haha
hopefully they'd be better whn i go back...

anyways...ive been really unproductive today so i went blog hopping..
and ive found that..there are loads of people that say they hate smokers and stuff.
but wait..does it mean that all smokers are bad?
im sure they've got an uncle or someone related that smokes rite..
so would they consider that person bad??!
would u go up to an uncle and say..i fucking hate u cuz u smoke so piss off?!
lol i'd like to see that mate! point saying it..
people will always stereotype each other..
singaporeans all damn kiasu..
italians are all mobsters..
arabs are all terrorist..
chinese educated people in malaysia are all damn cina..
you get the gist..
well next time u wanna say something..think bout it gonna get screwed over by the coming exam..
i just know it..

i fucking hate hamlet..

alrite I dont know why im writing this crap now..
since ive got my drama 2mr...and im fucked over..
me and some friends namely fadz, carmen and henrik were translating the monologue into bm..

hope u enjoy our rotten bm..

Saya tahu saya meletup. Saya tak dapat mengengamnya. Dan bila saya membebel. saya lihat kat luar, seorang budak, 16 tahun, sedang menguap dan mengoyang kaki(jiggling?) dan membaca programnya dan saya nak cakap hey budak! saya dengan kamu, saya tak tahan ini juga. tapi saya tak dapat buat itu, jadi saya berasa teruk dan teruk, just* lemas. dan saya berfikir, saya bukan Hamlet, saya bukan pelakon, apa saya buat kat sini? dan saya tiba kat soliloquy*, kerja besar, dan saya befikir, oh allah(subs for christ?) ke neraka dengan ini, buat saja!

untuk jadi atau untuk tak jadi, itu soalannya;
whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer(how 2 translate?!?!)
the slings* dan anak panah of outrageous fortune(dont think hamlet is made for bm)
atau untuk ambil tangan against laut masalah
dan berlawan, tamat mereka.

dan saya berterus, saya tamat ucapan itu, dan saya tengok kat luar, budak itu sedang dengar. semua penonton - complete silence(diam meh?) seluruh fokus. dan saya jadi Hamlet. dan ia berterus untuk 10 saat, dan saya ke neraka. saya tinggal kat sana. tapi untuk satu bit itu, satu ucapan itu, saya dapatnya..

and gonna act that out in a freakin monologue in front of 2 teachers.. much? well everyone has too..and i wonder whether anyone did the transvestite monologue..

geez..after this week its intensive studying for me..2 weeks of pure hard ass studying..and yes..its builds character..that is if u wanna be a psychotic serial killer! but its only 2 weeks..ill prob start downing red bull and sports drinks like well...ironically water.

anyways ciao bums!