give me a break

Tracks on repeat : Andain - Make me, Mika - Take it easy, Paul Glazby - Beautiful, Miley Cyrus - See you again, and Godskitchen Anthem CD

It really sucks when it rains in the morning, i'm stuck waiting at the bus stop all wet and miserable...
and on the way back it rains again...that's just the most fucked up thing i reckon.
To top it all off ive got this major headache..
Melbourne has got some bitchy weather.. Its supposed to be the middle of summer and its cold.
Weather aside...I'm hiding in my room and fucking shivering..
Nothing much to do since the main course hasn't begun..
I seriously cant be fucked to touch maths right now..
The things i would do to get something to warm me up...
Probably a shot or 2 of the absolut peach vodka standing so proudly in the kitchen would do the trick.
But i doubt it would go unnoticed..
I feel like a really big cheapskate..recycling the same tea bag for 2 days straight..
Its practically drained of all its flavour and yet i still keep pouring hot water into the cup so damned religiously.
Still waiting for my sis to come back with her bf...I think he's trying to sell off his Z4..
I wouldnt mind taking it for another illegal drive around the block lol.. Its the best car ive driven so far..
gonna miss it..and its not even mine..

Oh i already miss the food in malaysia..the malaysian food here is just a far cry from the real stuff back home..
Oh and did I mention that the dunhill here is way smoother compared to the malaysian one??
Anyways scratch that...don't really know what to whine about now..
HOPEFULLY there would be more hot chicks coming for the main course...
Heard from a friend that quite a number of girls frm sri kdu are coming..cant be that bad i guess lol..
The girls in the extended courses are all pigs...
Those from SG are either too fucking fat or too fucking ugly!
As for the HK girls...lets just say there is a wide variety of pork chops and they just add to the selection.
Only 1 girl frm malaysia...and she's short!!! well she's rich..but i couldnt give a fuck.
The rest of em...lets just say they just add more flavour to the already wide range of pork chops lol!

Anyways gonna catch the simpsons on tv now...
They air it everyday!!! What could i wish more for...
Oh and they have South Park on Monday nights too...
SWEET~! ohhhkayyyy ciao!

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