less than 2 weeks..and ive got one more to go..

Itunes: Augustana - Sweet and Low

Ive just finished my friggin psychology essay..and now ive got HoI to start on..
great..this just means ive gonna have to sit my ass infront of stacks and stacks of books and papers.
Besides not getting much sleep..im gonna screw my diet up..
redbull, instant coffee and other stuff...not really keeping me healthy,
at least i manage to stay awake..
btw iv got a feeling the redbull from the asian grocer has wayyy more sugar than the normal ones.

anyways..its been raining everytime i step out the front door.
geez just my luck!

well..cant wait for summer..
long hot days..
being able to walk outside in shorts and thongs..
oh btw..did u know that in aus slippers really mean bedroom slippers??
and thongs are..u know..slippers laaa

oh and im supposed to be going to china in dec..
lets just hope i dont end up in some fucking ulu place..

okay, thanks, ciao dei!

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